l saw people running to and from in the morning, either by a vehicle or by foot but what are they rushing for? what are they looking for? where are they going?
Others boast about their positions at work, some proudly exult themselves above because of their money or material possessions. While others boast about their achievements, families and background; is this all to life?
What is wealth when you don't have family?
What is money when you don't have inner peace?
What is material possessions and fame when you can't even smile because of that tormenting sickness you have?
What is gaining the whole world when you can't even enjoy your sleep?
What are riches when your character is not rich of love, joy, humility, peace, contentment and goodness.
Obviously, life is bigger than what mankind has reduced it to be and because of this deceptive material world, we are chasing a mirage hoping we will find fulfillment. Yet on their death bed, many weep saying; "Truly I did not live a genuine Life"
What is life all about and how is your life?
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