Dear man of influence.

Dear man of influence:

It's time to unbotton the shirt of haughty feel,
And vacate the office of me, myself and l rule,
Consider the frayed jackets of our grey haired,
Their eyes sing of lost victory tales,
Their squashed dream turned into a grave of nightmare,
All because you have glimmered your pocket,
And rejected theirs.

Lo, man of influence, arise above your dark roots,
Those which have made you a slave of gold,
Yet you are the owner of the mine.
Nullify the gates of selfish materialism,
Divorce your spouse of demonic agendas,
Who has cursed our children with saliva of lack.
Yet we are the bosses of this palace.

Why oh man of influence, why?
Have you allowed the snake of shame,
To return to our nation's yard with toxic waters,
Which have made our homes deserts?

Consider oh man of influence,
You may be the key to our promise land!

By Blessing Mhlanga. 28/ 02 / 2019.


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