A farewell to a lifeless fellow

A farewell to a lifeless fellow

While the sun made a favourable shine, an hour and half after midday, a train long crowd flooded Catherine Street with ground shaking hymns and explosive dances that invited countless eyes to have a curious gaze of this phenomenon from their rusting and wrecking balconies of Hillbrow flats.

Being led by a blazing crowd, was an ordinarily white Quantum taxi, which was firmly hooked behind with almost a Matchbox size of a trailer but big enough to accommodate a coffin of a lifeless fellow who had been forcefully sent to the land of no return with countless bullets five days earlier.
While driving at a tortoise pace, the taxi driver intentionally overlooked a few others who emotionally banged the trailer and climbed on it as their way of paying a heart-breaking and soul-dismantling farewell to the lifeless fellow.

The hymns of farewell, which were more of a supplication for the man in the trailer, grew even louder while the hand gestures of hail were inevitable. A few minutes later, the taxi hit the stop gear just opposite a popular and newly renovated recreational park of Hillbrow, where a sea of people out of nowhere surrounded the trailer, made cheers of farewell which were initiated by a fairly young but reasonably old man upon the trailer.

This was it: the final moment with their breathless fellow, whom they seemed to be confident that he had not died but had travelled to the heaven of his ancestors - a palace of rest. If they had the power to raise him from the coffin, they would because their hearts seemed to have a deeper, mutual and steel-solid affection for him.

Whistles of jubilee were carelessly blown, not because he had died but as a spiritual plea with the heavens to make the path of the late  smooth, pure and straight enough for his maker to accept his soul, even though they well-knew that it was way too late. Others took their stand beside the trailer, neatly folding their panic-shivering arms while gluing their death-sorry fist onto their dry chins, seemingly shocked that the man of such young calibre had left the living land and they also posed watery eyes that prayed for a miracle to wake the lifeless man from his coffin in the trailer.

Finally, the driver made a loud hoot that painted the air with dark exhaust fumes, the leader of the cheers rapidly jumped off the trailer, a salute of hand applaud sealed the farewell phenomenon as the taxi swiftly drove the lifeless man to the land of rest.

By Blessing Mhlanga. Took place on 19 April 2019.


  1. Wow !! What a story . can I get an amen for this ...👏


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