Christ's prayer for Easter.

Christ's wish for Easter.

I have no intention to punish man
I love every sinner,
I just despise their sin.
How can l hate my own creation?
It's impossible -they're my treasure.

This Easter, be my sister,
Be my son and I'll be your sun,
Quit slaying and start praying,
Weep for your salvation,
I'll erase your transgression.

This world offers temporary pleasure,
I am the fountain of genuine treasure,
Come and taste my love,
And you'll never crave for man's love,
You are chained, l can make u fly again.

Live for me and you won't taste death,
Give me your sins and you will dine with heaven.
Give me your heart and Inherit elegant life,
Come, hold my hand,
Shame the devil and take your Crown,
With me and by me,
You will be the dazzle of your paradise

By Blessing Mhlanga


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