Dear my own

Dear my own
Days of never-floulish  have ceased,
My tales of eating  loner pies have vanished,
The horror of hugging rocks and kissing tasteless pillows have left my yard,
Ponders of gone lovers have lossened their hold on me,
Thanks to you, my dear l have been reconciled to mother romance.

Look, you have shaved my beard of tears,
Tears which you have turned to be cheers by your servieet - your kiss of massage.
Right here with you, l long to dazzle and breathe my last in your arms.
I pray for more grace, to enjoy your juicy breasts of serenity,
To cuddle your sorrows away from your dreams, dreams which you have made me their king.

Till we dine together in heaven,
Let's cement our gaze with sweet hymns,
Let's cast decors for our smiles with fruitful seasons of hails,
Knowing well that our foes may quench the light of our palace - a heaven of bliss.


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