destiny is calling
Destiny is calling!
By Blessing Mhlanga. 04 -4- 2019.
I am lonely and void. I am stunning yet still single. I am glowing and dazzling but you have not noticed me. I am super attractive but I have not been found. Why, you ask? Who am I, you question? I am destiny. I am your true potential - the true worth of your greatness. I am looking for you, I have been looking for you - you have not found me because you have been looking for me in wrong places. I am not far away - I am within you.
You have failed to discover me, that’s why you are drowning in the pit of sorrow and hopelessness. You have failed to pursue me, that’s why the sword of poverty has pursued you and your children. You have not found me, that’s why the mine of wealth has not landed on your yard. Behold, my arms are open; I am waiting for the day you and I get married - this day will mark the beginning of days where you and I will make history, become super-achievers, move mountains, conquer the unconquerable and delight the heavens with spacious accomplishments.
Firstly, your associations have deceived you, hence you have lived a lie, a mirage and life of no fulfilment. You have to understand that your happiness and inner serenity is connected to you finding me - the inner priceless wealth you have hidden. Secondly, you have neglected me by settling for less and limiting yourself because of your surrounding - you have not been fair to yourself.
Thirdly, what you heard, what you saw and what you spoke had distorted your identity and made me dysfunctional - you have a false image of self. Fourthly, you have sought wrong advice from a wrong source, you are now living a mistake and a regret of your life. Fifthly, The story of your life is not pleasant to read because by your choices you deviated far away from me, you have not been genuine, honest or given a thought of why your soul left heaven.
The reality of your life pains me. Seeing you weeping, failing, begging, being enslaved, depressed and always searching for a medicine to heal this everlasting wound: your inner void. Why have you done this to yourself? Why have you rejected me? I don’t want you to die before you taste the glory of your divine calling: me. With me, step by step, all the way - you will be a sign and a wonder, your enemy will be your servant, washing your feet and you shall be blessing to the nations. I am your gift, a collection of all your talents - when you honour me and utilize me, heaven will land in your house.
Don’t be like your forefathers, your late friends and relatives who died without a single achievement in their name, who lived a life of mockery, shame and poverty because they did not take time to discover and pursue me. The rewards of utilising me is not only money but also inner peace, inner fulfilment knowing that through me you have impacted life to others and made a difference in your world. Mind you, there are people whose lives won’t be revived or restored if you refuse to find me and walk with me.
Stop blaming others, you are accountable for your life, you only live once, come and live the best life with me. Take time to be alone, go back to meditation, take a journey to self, find out your make up, prune out the weeds in you and burn the chaff - these things have concealed me from you. Be honest, open your heart - ask, what have you lived for? What is the purpose of your creation? Who are you? what seed of greatness did your creator plant in you that you have abandoned? The answers to these questions won’t come overnight but as you persist and persevere with the help of your maker - I will be discovered by you.
Come, I am waiting for you. Pursue me, I will make you a king and a queen of your own paradise. Don’t limit me, I will make you reap golden fruits so vast and so spacious - no can compare. Only you can fail yourself, only you can defeat yourself, only you can stop you to be unstoppable - you can rise again, you can start afresh, you can begin again, you have written yourself off but I haven’t - you can be your own role model, a superstar if you do the right thing and utilise me.
My purpose is to be used by you to make you successful, glorious, great and prosperous. Hear my call, I want you to be the best of yourself but that is possible through me - don’t be clever to yourself, listen to my knock in your soul. This is the fact: walk with me and you become a star, neglect me and you die before your time or you live a slow-death life. Remember, you are not here on earth forever, I beg you to use all of me - when you die l will live on your behalf and you will be remembered because of me. The journey won’t be easy but it won’t be impossible, I am holding your hand, trust in your maker and I will blossom to give you elegant fruits - ones that will live for generations.
If you answer my call, the day your soul departs from this world, the heavens will applaud, your enemies will salute, your loved ones will sing, the elders of the nations will dance and the heads of states will blew whistles of praise, saying out loud: ‘what a great man he was, what a great woman she was - one whose life will forever be worthy to emulate.’
Shalom…………………………………………………1010 words…………………………………………………
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