A note to the mothers

Let me note to the mothers

Let me note to the mothers of angels,
Who sing healing to their sick children.
Who polish their skin with butter,
Even though she cannot afford some.
Let me note to the mother of creation: the partner of the Almighty.

Let me note to the mothers of milk,
Who kept breastfeeding in the midst of deserts.
Who kept the son when the sun has burnt her with divorce,
Who dug wells of sugar for her children,
For the sake of sweet scent of undiluted love.

Let me note to the mothers of rainbow,
Who gave birth to the masters of innovation,
Who raised giants from the world of dusty ants,
Who kissed daughters with the magic of beauty,
In order to rise the fallen wishes of the family.

Let me note to the mothers of flavour,
Who divorced abuse and fled the monster,
Who paved holy paths for their children,
Who planted seeds of character for toodlert,
So that the saints and sinners of mother land can soar above like eagles.

By Blessing Mhlanga.


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