A bewitched nation

A bewitched nation

Who has bewitched mankind? If l may know that person, perhaps l could lift prayers of pardon to the heavenly master on mankind's behalf. The young fellows keep having sex with sin, mothers don't tire giving birth to gods of crime, fathers are refusing to shave their pride beard of alcohol abuse and sexual immorality while brothers and sisters sing songs of generational traits of Curses.

My ears can't contain these vicious sounds of darling women, who being proud of their flawless bodies are unreasonably murdered. My eyes are about to grow dimly blind due to the catastrophic events where, pure toddlers are brutally sent back to their maker in heaven by those who conceived them.

I smell shame, barbaric bloodshed and baseless hatred ruling our yard. What happened to the tsunami love that we used to have for the alien? Why have the authors of politics found a corner to hide their dirty political agendas?

The nation has been bewitched and l wonder by who. The religion of unprotected sex keeps getting a solid support even by the so called saints, who having tasted the pleasure, encourage millennials to shun their virginity pride for a temporary orgasm. Shame has become our middle name and we are ignorantly turning a blind eye to it.

Why has genuine love been exchanged for a pieces of corrupted gold and silver? The love of money is another curse that has married both young and old fellows, who through it don't mind trading a penis, vagina, dignity for it.
Education has been substituted for vain pleasure that comes with deceptive Gadgets of technology, character is a rare ingredient in the establishment of our future endeavors, our mucus keep dropping endlessly as we abandon the true nature of our design. It's time to wake up and smell the coffee, we have to divorce the roots of sin and eliminate the leaves of witchcraft from our garden, then maybe, we shall soar to the land of milk and honey.

By Blessing Mhlanga. 01/10/2019.


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