If we choose to

If we choose to

By Blessing Mhlanga. 1/12/2019

Common matters can be avoided but not forever. It's like trying to hide an elephant in an eskimo. Surely the world presents darlings of pleasure to dance with, forcing our minds to debate with the angels reality.

We smoke our hairs with blazing fires, thinking that the showers of daily breezes will forever cuddle us. Sooner, a disliked fate follows, men drowns in the depth of his own toxic choices.

We even attempt to shoot blame on the dead and finger point the demons of our lineage, all in the name of excusing our defeated souls. We may be clever but not wise. There's no wisdom in kissing the shame of curse. Neither is there wisdom in marrying mother laziness nor taking a walk on the park of unreasonable murmur.

We can walk a mile. Kiss the vine. Divorce the curse. Uproot our ghosts. Ascend above the status quo. And reap the rewards of thus. If we choose to.


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