Yes, he came

He came.

By Blessing Mhlanga. 24/25 December 2019.

I struggle to understand the stumbles of my sin, which he took to the mountain untold, to tell a tale that would manifest his undiluted love for me. It's simple, he loved me. I ladened his shoulders with the filth of my malice aroused heart, not knowing l was crucifying the saviour.

Yet he still carried the flames of my dark tales which no man could kiss and no woman adore. Singing the praises of sin, l had swallowed the suicide pill : sin. Until he came, until he accepted the bruises of my shame which applauded my fall. He came to unlock the system of sinful democracy, that l had voted for. He came to dazzle the stage of Fame with heavenly hail that his resurrection would bring.

No, he didn't come for the saints. He came to replace cents of slavery with tents of liberty. He came  to marry the gentiles with his blood whose brideprice can not be calculated. Yes, he came for me. He came to ignite the fire of my zeal for his throne. He came to divorce his creation from their marriage with lucifer. He came to massage the wounds of the lost with kisses of salvation.

He came to rebuild the fallen mountains of his people and array them with the garments of peace evermore. He came to rewrite and edit the chapters of mankind, to make them worthy to dine with him in his kingdom for eternity. He came to invest redemption and his divine presence in the hearts of his people. He came to lighten their souls with his crispy divinity and make them heirs of his everlasting existence and glory.

Yes, he came.


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