What are you waiting for?
By Blessing Mhlanga. 03/01/2020.
Cheers to drinkers of fame, who strive to give birth to fruitful harvests of milk and honey. Applaud the grand masters of technical nerds whose drive emanates from courageous breasts of dignity.
Truly these deserve fanatics of ironed garments of fame. Suck the energy of lazy fellows from the yard, blow the whistle until the ears of the foes explode and until the news reach the ears of the dead. Repair the sacks of leaking dreams, plant fancy seeds of elegance, hug the hairy bosoms of fantasy and marry the unknown fashions of reality.
The rhythm can change if we change the channel and the dances can diffuse if we change the tune. Let us now blaze the mountains, seize the chances, ignite the roots and polish the leaves. We will get there. We are heading there. Let truth be the torch of our path to the land of promise and let the saliva of wisdom never depart from our tongues.
May the hairs of likeable charisma shine brighter than the sun and eliminate weeds of deceit, which are buried beneath the layers of painful days.
May the hairs of likeable charisma shine brighter than the sun and eliminate weeds of deceit, which are buried beneath the layers of painful days.
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