Defining true beauty

Defining true beauty

By Blessing Mhlanga. 13 March 2020

In the modern era, if you don't have the looks then you might as well marry the books. Physical appearance has become more valuable and prominent than the inner beauty. Today, yellow bones have earned the glamour of free publicity and honor while the brow, dark and lovely are frowned upon. Here is the danger; outward beauty is capable of deceiving anyone. 

Does outward beauty equate to true beauty? Should good looks and attractive body figures be praised over the good qualities in a person? Reports of celebrities conducting plastic surgery on their bodies have flooded the public's eyes and helped perpetuate the idealogy that physical beauty is the definer of beauty instead of character. Perhaps, society has missed it. 
Tertiary graduate, Viola Tatenda Zendaya says that beauty starts from inside of a person moving towards the outer parts. She highlights that factors that determine true beauty include but not limited to the heart, character, shape and attitude.

"Inner beauty is more important because it holds something that the outer part doesn't have. Inner beauty is love, care, determination, power and a strong mind which then come together and form an amazing spirit which beautify the outer," She added. 

Simangele Makhubu argues that both inner and outward beauty are important. To her, true beauty reflects both aspects of beauty which means that the outside interprets what's on the inside because the packaging matches the contents. 
"Outward beauty deceives when it's used as a mask to hide a person's true beauty. When one focuses more on what the packaging looks like than show the true value of contents, then it's a loss instead of a win because the packaging can be attractive but the contents may not be up to good standard. It's good as selling a bad product with great packaging," says Simangele. 

Since society dwells more on outward instead of inner beauty, the negative trend of condemning one another, rejection, tribalism, rebellion, inferiority and low self-esteem have increased. Everyone desires to be light skinned and yellow bone because that's the recognized and appreciated form of beauty. This is a fallacy that needs to end. Being comfortable in your own skin and in own identity should be the foundation of true beauty. 

Simangele reveals some positive effects of having a society that focuses on inner beauty as the praiseworthy form of beauty, "A society with inner beauty than outward will allow more people to engage in a more personal level and allow understanding and compassion to build up. A society of this kind will also enable us to see ourselves more of being on the same level because we won't be focusing on what outside looks like or comparing what the outside is like."

Viola objects that outside beauty is not true beauty at all. She reasons, "Most people care of the outer because it makes them outstanding than others and it gives wrong information of who a person truly is."

The outward appearance is important but shouldn't be the main focus. It is wise to search and evaluate the colours and make-up of one's heart when judging the beauty of a person. Judging from the outward appearance is doing injustice to humanity but judging from the perceived qualities and attributes of character is justice. 

"One can have an unpleasant outward but their heart is made of gold. Yet one might have a gorgeous outer but their heart only glitters yet it's not gold," Viola explains. 

Nevertheless, beauty means different things to different people. Others value their well polished glossy skins than the qualities of their character. The opposite is also true. Perhaps, one's background, present surrounding and association may have influenced these preferences. 

University of Cape Town medical student, Zanele Makhubo asserts that, "The heart is the root of everything. When one is content, confident and kind, there's no one to take that kind of beauty away. Such character leaves a mark in other people's lives. Isn't that beautify?"

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