Covid-19 is returning to hell

Covid-19: I'm returning to hell

By Blessing Mhlanga. 26 April 2020.

I'm a history maker. Call me a legend of terror. I have turned the universe upside down and into deadly wrecks through my power of death. Yes, it's because of me that the nations of the world are struggling financially and why their health sector is trembling.

To date, my existence holds about 2 774 135 confirmed cases worldwide and 190 871 confirmed deaths. I am Coronavirus also known as covid-19. I'm very proud of the catastrophes I have caused in the universe and I'm not sorry that I left hell to enslave mankind. But I am sorry that my reign in the world is about to end, it is ending and perhaps you should celebrate.

Thanks to your intelligent medical personnel and experts, I'm losing my death poison slowly but surely. Thanks to your heartfelt prayers to your God, my defeat is at hand and my ability to diffuse and posses mankind is expiring. Thanks to your unity and cooperation with other nations, my weapon of destruction has been weakened. My fall is certain and your Victory is inevitable.

Thanks to your wise leaders for throwing bulks of cash on medical treatment and equipment, I'm slowly losing the battle. I caught you by suprise but your retaliation is overwhelming me. Let me go. I'm leaving. I have no choice.

I wish to stay longer on earth because I enjoy enslaving the people through pain and death. What do you expect? I'm a demon after all. But don't hate me, I'm just messenger. I was sent to terrorize the world by my own master. Yes, you know the master: the one who lost his place in heaven. But also, the creator of the universe allowed me to partake in this assignment for his own divine purpose.

My bags are already packed and my flight has been booked. I'll be out of your universe by the end of this year. I can't stand your wrathful Revenge. It's too much. The heat of your prayers is blazing too much. Even patients are recovering. I have tried to withstand you but I'm failing.

My knees are too fragile to increase more cases, my teeth have been broken - I can't bite more souls. I'm returning to hell, my original home. Give yourself a round of applause. You have conquered me, your enemy. Very soon, you'll be free from the lockdowns and free from my deadly horror. Well done! I'm leaving.


Blessing - the creative: copywriting. Content marketing. SEO.

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