Jesus Christ invites you to a date

Jesus Christ invites you to a date

By Blessing Mhlanga

Come, let us reason together,

And I will give you a reason to live.

I can liberate you from your treason,

Yes, this could be your season.

I know about your glitz and glamour of your iniquity,

I can make you smile despite your bae having dumped you.

I know the pain you're hiding behind your business suit,

I can see the void you're keeping behind your designer dress,

Guess what? - I still love you even with your fake lipstick.

Come, let me massage your dry skin with divine ponds,

I have a kingdom: come and buy shares,

Be a shareholder; Repentance is the price.

You don't have to be a yellow bone to serve me,

Just give me your heart and I'll do my part.

I will crown you with a new name,

Way too glorious than 'slay queen',

My daughters don't slay - they pray.

Don't chase after the six pack guys,

Their toxic muscles will blemish your innocence,

Their chests will melt your beauty with sin,

Their beard will leave you dancing with identity loss.

Seek me and I'll give more than a mere man,

I'll give you a king, whose kingdom's glory is you.

Stop running after the hottest girl in town,

She's too hot and she'll burn your destiny.

Her luring curves are a pathway to the grave,

Her two juicy buns behind her are a ticket to hell,

Find me and I'll give you a queen that you deserve.

I am the owner of this world,

Not even your aroused cleavage can save you.

No matter how much lace you buy,

You won't be fulfilled without me.

Surrender the keys of your will,

And I'll make you feast with Angels.

Divorce lucifer and his sinful baes,

Marry me and you shall live.

Brazilian hair is not an essence of beauty,

Be mine and I'll give you a crown of beauty.

Let go of your darkness,

And I'll make your world lit.

Give me your weaknesses,

Take my strength - it has 'that thing.'

Kisses of deception have baptized your soul,

I am the rose of Sharon; taste my romance.

Your high heels have led you to highways of destruction,

Follow me and you'll drink the wine of liberty.

You don't have to go to a gym to have an identity,

Come the way you are - l knew you before you were.

Even though you're a slender, I'll make your heart tender.

Stop striving to be a celebrity,

Embrace the fact that you're a miracle,

And you'll blossom with wings of peace.

The Bible is my WhatsApp,

The cross is my Facebook,

Prayer is my hashtag,

Love is my status,

Holiness is my name.

My arms are open wide,

Let's go on a date at a spirit-filled restaurant called church,

Let me charm you with my flowers of salvation,

Taste my tasty turkey of grace that will purify your junk status,

Treat yourself with my sweet wine that'll melt your Apartheid of sin.

I am a gentleman - take my verses of purity,

Dine with my spirit - I am the Author of love.

Come close and kiss my lips of freedom,

Your ex-spouse: Lucifer, will have no hold over you.

He will be your slave as long as you marry me.

I am not a Lotto machine,

Stop betting your life with worldly quick fixes,

Let us know each other,

Blessings of Abraham will fill your empty fridge.

Hate me and curses will fill your dome,

Reject me and your generation - the legacy will see flames.

Make the wise choice,

I don't want heaven without you.

Yours faithfully:

Darling Jesus Christ.

Blessing - the creative: copywriting. Content marketing. SEO.

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