R350 grant payout is peanuts?

R350 grant payout is peanuts?

By Blessing Mhlanga

While President Cyril Ramaphosa and his government are doing their level best to serve the people of South Africa during the pandemic of Covid-19, some have chosen to be ungrateful for their priceless efforts.

Among other efforts, the government has put in place about R50 billion to address the hunger, poverty and food insecurity catastrophes for the unemployed, by issuing the R350 per month grant for the next six months. In response, some took to Twitter to express their dissatisfaction over the grant payment, citing that it is little and should have been higher based on one's academic qualification.

As such Twitter went buzzing with the #R350 trend, which saw many throwing complaints and displeasure. In case you didn't know, there's about 6.7 million unemployed individuals in South Africa excluding 3 million discouraged job seekers. So that increases the number to close to 10 million people looking forward to benefit from this grant payout.

Some even suggested that the R350 grant should be given to those with matric, those with diploma need to get R700, those with degrees R1000 and R1500 for those with honors, masters etc. I wish to extend that it is vital to be grateful for the little than to murmur about the much that we don't have.

The figures demanded above indicate that people need more Money just to spend lavishly and to sustain a dazzling lifestyle beyond their means. If you understand money, respect money and are able to adjust your lifestyle for whatever money you're given, you'll realise that this R350 is actually a lot.

It is greediness and selfishness to desire more than what the government has offered. Beggars can't be choosers and self-importance shouldn't be honored at this point. Some are even comparing the grant payout to other countries payout, this is not fair because each country has its weakness and strengths different from ours. The population is not the same, the unemployment rate is different and so is the economic status. Let's appreciate what we have.

Also, if you say the grant payout should be given to those with qualifications, what about those without qualifications and are unemployed? They should starve to death? Does covid-19 ask for your qualification before it infects you? Let's erase our ignorance.

I Applaud Social Development Minister, Lindiwe Zulu for asserting that they will strengthen and tighten their systems so that the grant is given to those who need it most, and not to ungrateful fellows who just want more money to fund their lavish lifestyle that is way beyond their means.

So if you think the grant is too little for you, don't apply because clearly, you don't need it. It's too little for your honourable lifestyle. Let those who need it apply and you would have saved the government from unnecessary spending. For those who are struggling with ingratitude, I would recommend you to read this lesson so that you may understand that you are the reason for the fall of your own integrity.


Blessing - the creative: copywriting. Content marketing. SEO.


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