Will level 4 lockdown cause more deaths?

Will level 4 lockdown cause more deaths?

By Blessing Mhlanga

While many will be smiling their way back to work come May 1st, there are still concerns about the risk of covid-19 resurgence as well as the possible increase of cases and deaths thereof.

In his freedom day address, EFF leader, Julius Malema indicated that level 4 lockdown will do more harm than good on citizens, adding that the president is only inviting more graves to our nation. He emphasized that the government will have to be charged for deliberate murder if or when level 4 lockdown causes a deadly resurgence.

He may be right!

The spread of the virus is likely to increase during level 4 lockdown unless proper precautions are followed. Companies will have to spend money on protective gears, sanitizer and treatment on their employees.

If one employee testes positive for the virus, all other personnel will have to tested and quarantined, consequently slowing the production of the business. If this one Covid-19 positive employee mistakenly doesn't get tested somehow, he/she will risk the lives of other workers.

Ignorance kills

There are some who are still confusing level 4 lockdown to be the same as level 1 lockdown. Perhaps we need to emphasize that it's not the same and proclaim the differences.

Just a reminder that covid-19 still around and unnecessary movements and failing to perform proper hygiene standards will result in a rapid spreading of the virus and eventually more deaths.

Let's not complicate matters by reasoning with ignorance. Some activities have been allowed and some haven't, just as specific businesses have been allowed to operate while others aren't.

Education is key

Employees and employers have a role to play to avoid Malema's prediction. If employers are careless and irresponsible, they won't emphasize the importance of hygiene and protective precautions to their workers. In return, workers won't care either.

Employees need to take this seriously and also insists on the proper measures compliance by their bosses. Business owners must educate their workers on these issues and make sure that everyone of their workers comply, knowing that should they fail to do so, they risk lives and the closure of the business.


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