How Robert Mugabe wants to be remembered I was a liberator. Maybe a tyrant too. By Blessing Mhlanga. 10 -09 - 2019. Well, where should I start? If in the beginning God created heaven and earth, then in the beginning is where I’ll start. In the beginning I, Robert Mugabe became pregnant of a vision: to liberate my fellow black Zimbabweans from the perpetual catastrophes of slavery, inequality, poverty, racial segregation and the heavy heap of unjust leadership in the hands of Ian Smith and company. It is for this vision that I created countless movements and campaigns against the atrocious regime that had enslaved my people during the 1960s and 70s. It is for this vision that I endured a decade of imprisonment for trying to overthrow this vicious government. Maybe, it is for this vision that I stayed in power for almost four decades. For clarity purposes, I didn’t hate white people but I only despised their use of power against...
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