Speech sample by a politician

Sample Speech by a Government official/Politician.

By Blessing Mhlanga.

01 -07 -2019. Monday.

I welcome you all to this national summit, a pinnacle of our democracy and the foundation of an elegant future for our nation. Prominent ministers, government officials, colleagues, friends and fellow South Africans, accept my sincere welcome of delight for this special gathering - I applaud you all for coming.

For the past two decades, our nation has experienced the milk and honey of an Apartheid-free democratic regime and also a bitter reality of darkness. The milk and honey include the increase in the pass rate of our matric students from an average of 32% to 59% - a remarkable achievement worthy to be hailed.

But that’s not all, we have also decreased the overall crime rate by 51% in the past 10 years, we have awarded more than 62 456 less-privileged high schools pupils with free tertiary education, the government has fueled black-empowerment by means of aiding black entrepreneurs with funds and training to start businesses - hence an increase of 12 243 jobs across all professions to date.
Petrol prices have remained at an affordable low of R7 a litre, thereby avoiding the nightmare of inflation in food prices and other basic necessities.

However, let’s address our bitter reality. We have identified a severe increase in teenage pregnancies of 44% for the past decade, this is an uacceptable reality we ought to overcome by introducing educational programmes in all schools about protected sex, abstaining from sex and the importance of circumcision to avoid the risk of getting STDs.
There’s also a horrible high rise in the number of people being infected by HIV and AIDS, as we speak one in three South Africans are HIV positive, which explains a 145 deaths caused by HIV/AIDS every month. The low class are the most affected because they lack adequate funds to buy treatment to fight this STD; as a government we have set our a portion of health bugdet to cover the free distribution of drugs, treatments and latest health technology in public hospitals as a long-term solution to this issue.
We have also hired more nurses and health practitioners to ensure effective and efficient services for our patients. Medicinal research is also underway on
permanent measures to eliminate the catastrophes of HIV/AIDS, STIs and STDs.

There has been recent reports of Xenophobic attacks against foreigners, with two Malawaians losing their lives in Alexandra township. On behalf of the government of South Africa we condemn and don’t condone such barbaric treatment against our fellow black africans, who have come to our country seeking refugee or greener pastures. They may not be perfect in some way or the other, but they are still humans like us, they’re welcomed in South Africa because we are a rainbow nation. As such we have arrested 11 people in connection to Xenophobic attacks and nine of them have been convicted and sentenced to 16 years in prison.
These arrests will continue until the stop to Xenophobia finally materialize.

While we have managed to decrease the gender-based violence particularly abuse against women and children by 45%, the nation is also facing a temporal challenge of water shutdown and loadshedding. I say temporal because this challenge is in the process of being solved; we have cut down expenses and careless spending at Eskom by 31% every month. This has enables us to invest in another coal power plant, increase electricity production, save more energy for future consumption. I can assure you this very day will be the last day the nation will ever experience load-shedding and that is an honest promise to all fellow South Africans.

Furthermore, to ensure a sound financial management at Eskom, we have assigned a private investigation team to uproot, expose and hold to account every system of corruption and corrupt individuals who are misusing and looting the taxpayers’ money.
We are in the process of acquiring a new dam along the coast of Mozambique-an boarder. It is thrice the size of a football stadium and we’re certain that it will sustain the whole country with water for the next 10 years - by the end of this week the paper work will be done and we’ll see a permanent end to our on-going water crisis.

We are basing our focus on an elegant future for our nation. A future characterized by corrupt-free government, crime-free communities, an increase in production and distribution of resources, job creation increment, empowerment and development of more young-black entrepreneurs, a significant increase of productivity across all industries through the use of latest technologies that will enable us to strengthen investor relations.

Nevertheless, I warn you fellow South Africans that this will not be accomplished by the government alone or by the president himself, the government can do as much but all the citizens have a role to play. Our role is for example, to provide a conducive environment for young entrepreneurs to start businesses by making business resources like training or funding easily available for them.

In short I say as I conclude, we can accomplish much as nation when we work together as one. Instead of blaming one another let us use what we have at the moment to acquire even a tiny penny of reward and this penny no matter how small, can be used to grow more fruits for tomorrow.
We don’t have to sell our raw materials abroad while we can refine them ourselves, buy local and enrich our economy.

Remember, umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu. We as your government are here for you but you also have a part to do. Let us work together for a prosperous South Africa for the sake of our children.

I thank you.


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