Queen Sona reigns.

The tale of queen Sona


She was only ten when she discovered that she can fly, though she had no wings, her belief in the songs of victory qualified her to be the queen of a lost kingdom.

The beauty of her heart was literally the same as her flawless, glossy and lightly gleaming outward dazzle, which was impossible to ignore but seductive to admire.

The kingdom of Lona had been held captive for almost a decade now, because its elders had refused to trade Sola (the most gorgeous angelic lady in the kingdom), in exchange for a few gold packages.

Citizens were caged like lifeless creatures whose lives were not different from a dying dog. Sona was the wanted one and the one to save the kingdom, by selling her dazzling self to the guerrillas.

She and the elders knew that trading a human Being for a few pieces of gold was a deadly abomination. But it was their only key to end the cries of innocent babies whose breast milk had been made tasteless by the enemy.

She pondered and Lo, she arose at midnight and secretly approached the enemy at his camp, offered her juicy nude body to them in exchange of her people's freedom.

The guerrillas applauded, sang and danced their hearts out, because the cake had surrendered itself to them. One brave soldier attempted to lick Sona's spotless thighs but the worst suddenly and instantly happened.

The aroused soldier caught flames of blue fire from her, which curled swiftly to other soldiers and eventually, to the whole camp of the guerrillas.

In a blink of a curious eye,  the camp of the guerrillas was mere ashes and smoke, with no trace of life or breath. Like a victorious warrior, Sona marched forth, filled with endless smiles and songs of delight.

Shameless and ignorant of her nudity, she lifted both arms to the sky and shouted, "Let freedom reign."

On that moment, rain of thunderous peace and prosperity fell and watered the kingdom back to life. The elders wept tears of delight, mothers grew wings and soared on the stage of authentic dances.

The young whistled their way to democratic laughters, fathers shaved their beard of sorrow and Sona, reigned as the new queen of Lona, at that tender age of 20.

Joseph fell before the queen, kissed her feet and offered himself as her new husband, a matrimonial occasion that made Lona a palace of fidelity evermore.

By Blessing Mhlanga.


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